Develop your medical career in Scandinavia for a better work-life balance.
Since 2003, MediCarrera helped more than 750 specialised doctors, nurses & dentists to start a new career in public hospitals, clinics and primary care centres in different regions in Sweden, Norway and Denmark. All MediCarrera services are financed by the employer and free of charge for you and your family.
For our recruitment projects, we are usually seeking specialist doctors in the following medical specialities for work in the Swedish, Norwegian and Danish public health services.
Register with us to receive the right job opportunities for you in Scandinavia, learn about the working conditions, and how we can assist you on your path to a career in Scandinavian public healthcare.
Learn more about working in your Speciality
There is a shortage of specialist nurses in Scandinavia which is expected to last for several years. Work as a nurse in Sweden, Norway and Denmark.
GPs play a key role in healthcare in Scandinavia where there is a current need for specialists. Learn about family medicine in Sweden, Norway and Denmark.
In Scandinavia, radiologists play a key role in the screening, diagnosis and monitoring of treatment. Find opportunities in Sweden, Norway and Denmark.
Diagnose and treat a wide range of different gastrointestinal conditions in Scandinavia. Work as a gastroenterologist in Sweden, Norway and Denmark.
Scandinavia is in need of more geriatrics because of the increase in average age in the population. Find information about positions in Sweden, Norway and Denmark.
Gynaecologists are currently needed in Scandinavia. Read about working as a gynaecologist and find positions in Sweden, Norway and Denmark.
Play a key role in patient diagnosis in Scandinavia. Read more about working as a pathologist and find positions in Sweden, Norway and Denmark.
Especially Sweden is looking for cardiologists at the moment. Read about working in this speciality in Scandinavia and find available positions.
Help strengthen Scandinavia’s dental industry. Read more about working in Scandinavia and find work as a dentist in Sweden, Norway and Denmark.
Scandinavia is experiencing a shortage of anesthesiologists. Learn about working as a pain specialist in Sweden, Norway and Denmark.
You can have the chance to work and get trained in the developed Scandinavian healthcare system with its new technology as a radiographer.
If you could not find your medical specialty, register now. Our recruitment team will contact you as soon as there is a vacancy in your area.